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From Sunday to everyday Collectibles

About Us

                            At Pat's  Place is were  you can go and get your self wrap up from head to toe

              We have Sunday Best Dress, everyday wear, Ethnic Attire, Play Wear, Men's and Women Wear. 

For those who prefer a much more Traditional type of garment, We have a small line of Ecclesiastical Garments.                 Robes and Shirts for both men and women.  These shirts will meet the need of your ministry Office. We carry the prefered colors of each five fold ministry office. Including the shirt for a Bishop. So just contact us with your size and office a week in advance and we will get it right out to you.     

We have a line of Ecclesiastical Reading Materials, that will build you up spiritually.  So that the hidden man of the heart will bring forth balance, wisdom and knowledge.